Saturday, May 18, 2019

Model English Activities for O L

About the blogger.

My name is Sajendra Kumara. I have been a teacher of English for 27 years. I have 14 years of paper marking experience. Most of the activities I publish here have been tested with students. Hope to develop this blog parallel to the blog 

The activities that appear on this blog page are related to the Ordinary Level English new syllabus. You can obtain similar model papers by contacting me on 0777597875.

                                          Sajendra Kumara - 0777597875
Activity 01:
Write the correct form of the words given within brackets.
1. You don't .......................English words well. [ pronounce / pronunciation / pronounced ]
2. My parents ..................... me to learn languages. [ courage / encourage / courageous ]
3. People in the cities live in a ...............environment. [ pollution / pollute / polluted
4. The Horton Plains is ................ in the central hills of Sri Lanka. [ location / located / locate ]
5. Toddy tapping is a ................... job common in the Southern Province. [risky / risk / riskily
Answers: 1. pronounce 2. encourage 3. polluted 4. located 5. risky 

Activity 02: 
The following sentences on 'My favourite game' were written by a student in Grade 6. There is a mistake in each sentences from a - e . Rewrite the sentences in the space given below. 

                              My favourite game
My favourite game is cricket. 
a) It is the more popular game in Sri Lanka. 
b) The birth place of cricket is england. 
c) Their are two teams in a match.
d) Each team have six players.
e) There is a umpire to judge a match. 
Cricket is a beautiful game. 
ANSWERS: 1.more-most 2. england- England 3. Their-There 4. have-has 5.a umpire - an umpire 

Activity: 3
 Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verbs given within brackets.

The largest bird in the world is the ostrich. It 1).............. [live ] in Africa. A fully 2).............[grow] male bird is  about 2.4 m tall and it 3)...............[weigh ] about 130 kg. The ostrich 4)................ [be ] a flightless bird but it can 5)............. [run]  very fast. When 6)................ [run ] at full speed it can cover about 65 km in an hour. Ostrich usually 7)................ [feed]  on plants and small insects. The ostrich sometimes eats heavy stones as they 8)............... [help] in food digestion. Its long legs help it 9).......... [run] very fast and 10)............. [defend] itself from its enemies.
Answers: 1.lives 2. grown 3.weighs 6.running 7.feeds 10. defend 

Activity: 4
Read the following poem and answer the questions that follow.

           My Heart  Leaps Up
My heart leaps up when I behold
      A rainbow in the sky;
So was it when my life began;
     So is it now I am a man;
So be it when I shall grow old,
     Or let me die!
The Child is father of the Man;
And I could wish my days to be
Bound each to each by natural piety.
                                                       William Wordsworth
1. How does the poet feel when he see a rainbow? 
2. Pick the lines which say that the rainbow hasn't changed? 
3. What is 'it' referred to in the 4th line? 
4. Has the poet grown old? 
5. Find similar words for the following words.
     see -                                      jumps - 
     started - 
Answers: 1. his hearts leap(happy/excited) 2. lines 3&4 first stanza 3.the rainbow 4. no 5. see-behold / started-began /jumps-leaps 

Activity: 5
Imagine you are leaving the country to Japan for higher studies. So you have arranged a dinner party at your home for your closest friends. Write a note inviting your best friend to attend it. Mention the date , time and venue. 

Activity: 6 
Read the following passage and answer the questions. 

There are about 22 grebe species distributed in many parts of the world. They live mostly in temperate regions. Their main habitats are fresh water lakes and rivers. 
These birds develop brightly coloured head tufts and plumes during their breeding season. 
What is unusual about these birds is their habit of eating their own feathers and also feeding them to their young. The young birds also eat their own feathers and sometimes pluck them off their own parents bodies. As grebes have around 20,000 feathers, losing some may not be harmful. However, no one is still sure why these birds eat their own feathers. 

1. What is special about  grebes? 
2. Why is losing some feathers not harmful ? 
3. Do people know why grebes eat their own feathers? 
4. Write True or False against the following sentences.
     a) Young grebes eat only their parents' feathers. 
     b) Grebes have brightly coloured feathers throughout the year. 
5. Find similar words for the following. 
    a) feathers -                              b) period - 
Answers: 1.The habit of eating their own feathers and feeding them to their young 2. As they have around 20 thousand feathers 3. no 4.a- False b-False 5. a-plumes b-season 

Activity: 7
Look at the picture and fill in the blanks. Use only one word for each blank. 
This is a picture of a 1)............. party. There are 2)............... children and a 3)............ . The lady seems to be the birthday 4)............. mother. She  has 5)............ hair. The birthday girl is 6)............. out the candles 7)................ on a chair. There are some dishes around the 8)........... There is a 9).............. of balloons hanging beside them.
Answers- 1. birthday 2.four/some 3. lady/woman 4. child's/girl's 5. short 6.blowing 7.standing 8. cake 9. bunch 

Activity: 8 
There is a mistake in each of the following sentences. Rewrite the sentences correctly. 

Virudu has come down from generation to generation. 
a) A 'Virudu singer' is a talent person.
b) He makes up his verse with the beat of his circle drum.
c) He uses a drum call 'rabana'. 
d) The 'Viridu singer' entertain the public in a simple way. 
e) The verses he composes is easy to understand. 
It is part of our culture. 
Answers: a) talented b) circular c)call -called d) entertain-entertains e)is- are  Activity: 9 
Fill in the blanks with the prepositions given within brackets. 

         [   within - of - from - in - after - with    ]
After the invention 1).............. the telephone by Sir Alexander the Graham Bell 2)............ 1876 communication became very much easier. 3) ............. the help of the telephone people in distant places could be connected 4)............... a very short time. Information started flowing 5) .............. one end of the world to the other end freely 6) ............... the telephone was invented. 
answers: 1.of  2. in  3. with 4.within  5. from 6. after 
                 call sajendra on 0777597875 Activity: 10 
Read the following conversation that took place between Gayan and Ajith and complete the paragraph.  

Gayan: What are your plans for the vacation? 
Ajith  : I'm going to visit my grandparents in Kandy.
Gayan : How long are you going to stay there? 
Ajith: I will stay there only two weeks. 
          Well. I want to know about your plans, Gayan.
Gayan: I visited my uncle in Badulla last year.  I will visit him 
          again during the vacation. 

Gayan wanted to know Ajith's plans for the vacation. Ajith said that he 1) ................... to visit his grandparents in Kandy. Then Gayan asked 2).................................... to stay there. Ajith replied that 3)....................... there only two weeks. Finally, Ajith wanted to know about Gayan's plans for the vacation. Gayan said that 4)........................ his uncle in Badulla the previous year and he 5) .................. him again during the vacation.  

Activity: 11 
Read the paragraph and answer the questions.

Many gods have animals as their vehicles. They give an idea about their qualities. God Ganesh has a mouse as his vehicle and God Katharagama has a peacock. The bull is considered a sacred animal in Hinduism. It is treated well because of its help in cultivation. The dragon is another animal found in the mythical world of China. The white pigeon is considered the symbol of peace all over the world. The white cobra is considered a sacred animal in the legends of Sri Lanka. The elephant is associated with royalty and has been the vehicle of kings. Elephants were used in battles in the past. They are taken in religious pageants. In Buddhist pageants the relic casket is always carried by a tusker. 

1. Which bird is considered the symbol of peace? 
2. Find two uses of the elephants from the text. 
3. Write T for True and F for False.
     a) The peacock is the vehicle of God Katharagama. [    ]
     b) The dragon is an animal found in China.              [    ]
4. Why is the bull treated well by Hindus? 
5. What are the following words referred to in the text? 
    a) It - 
    b) They - 

Fill in the blanks with suitable word forms given within brackets
1. My sister cried ............. to hear her friend's mother's sudden demise. 
    [ sad / sadly / sadness]
2. Poets admire the........... of the environment. 
   [ beauty / beautiful / beautifully]
3. Senarath Paranawithana was a famous ......... in Sri Lanka.
   [ archaeologist / archaeological / archaeological
4. Kandy is a place of .............. importance. 
   [ history / historical / historic ]
5. Mr. Sajendra could avoid an accident as he drove his car very ................
   [ carelessly / carefully / care ]
Activity: 13
1. Kamal said, "The sun rises in the East". 
2. Nuwan said, "I cannot attend the party tomorrow"
3. Banuka said, "I had a cup of tea an hour ago."
4. Nayani said, "My sister was in hospital last week."
5. Sanath said, "Ruwan's father will come to school tomorrow." 
Answers: 1. Kamal said that the sun rises in the East. 2. Nuwan said that he could not attend the party the next day/the following day. 3. Banuka said that he had had a cup of tea an hour before. 4. Nayani said that his sister had been in hospital the previous week. 5. Sanath said that Ruwan's father would come to school the next day. 

Activity: 14
Match the underlined idioms given under A with their meanings given under B and write the number within brackets. 
1)  S.W.R.D.Bandaranayake known as the silver tongue of Asia  was born with a silver spoon. [     ]
2)  I meet my friends once in a blue moon as I am very busy now. 
3) The life of a farmer is not a bed of roses. [   ]
4) My sister let the cat out of the bag when she said that she got a letter form Ajith, a boy in her class. [     ]
5) You need to associate some of your friends at arm's length.  [  ]
a. very rarely               d. very comfortable
b. at a distance             e. born rich
c. reveal something.
Answers: 1 -e    2-a    3-d    4-c   5-b

Activity 15:
Match the notices with the places. Write the correct letter of the place within brackets.
1. DO NOT LITTER        [  ]          4. STICK NO BILLS  [  ]
2. REFERENCE ONLY   [  ]          5. FOR CLERGY        [  ]
     A. a sanctuary                  D. a public library
     B. a public park               E. a public transport bus
     C. a parapet wall
Answers: 1. B  2. D   3. A   4. C  5. E 

Activity 16:
1. Ruwanweli Seya .............. by King Dutugemunu. [ build]
2. Mother ........... a cup of tea an hour ago. [make]
3. An exhibition ........... in our school next week. [hold ]
4. The school is going to ........... all the past pupils. [invite]
5. Look! the teacher ...............towards us. [ come ]
Answers: 1. was built 2. made 3. will be held  4. invite 5. is coming 

Activity 17:  
Imagine you have lost your new fountain pen in the school. Write a suitable notice to be put up on the school notice board. 
Include: the brand, colour , date , time , place  etc...

Lost a fountain pen in the school premises on 12th May at about 10 a.m. It is red in colour. It is a Parker pen. If found please hand it over to grade 9 C or to the office. A valuable reward in offer. 

12/05/2019                                                   Sajendra Kumara
                                                                     Grade 9 C
Activity 18
Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions given within brackets

Mahesh lives 1)........... Udawalayagama, a small village 2).......... Mathale. He has a big house 3)............. a beautiful garden. There are many fruit trees 4)............... the house. There is a garage 5)............ the right of the house. 
                  [  around -  at  -   to - in  - with ]
1. at  2. in  3. with  4. around 5. to

Activity 19Underline the correct word. (homophones)

1) The 1-( sun / son) rises in the east. 
2) There was a 2-( herd / heard ) of 3-( dear / deer ) eating grass under a tree. 
3) I want to know the 4-( prize / price) of this pen. 
4) We had a chat sitting near 5- ( sea / see ) last evening. 
5) I like Wickramasinghe's 6- ( stile / style ) of writing. 
1. sun 2. herd 3. deer 4.price 5. sea

Activity 20:
Insert suitable verbs in the correct form where necessary and rewrite the paragraph.

Nayani my cousin sister. She at Nittambuwa. She at Ranpokunagama Maha Vidyalaya. She in Grade 11. She good at music. She the all island best singer competition last year. I to listen to her songs. Nayani a sweet voice. She a very helpful girl. 

Nayani is my cousin sister. She lives at Nittambuwa. She studies at Ranpokunagama Maha Vidyalaya. She  is / studies in Grade 11. She is good at music. She won the  all island best singer competition last year. I like to listen to her songs. Nayani  has a sweet voice. She is a very helpful girl. 

 Activity 21
Write a note refusing an invitation to attend a friend's birthday party. Include a reason.

Model answer
Thank you very much for your invitation to attend your birthday. But I am very sorry I am unable to attend the party as I am going on a trip to Katharagama. I will visit you later. Happy birthday! 

Activity 22
Fill in the blanks with a suitable relative pronoun given within brackets. 
1. I know a man ...........son works in a Canadian car manufacturing company.
2. Look at that girl wearing red hat. She is my cousin sister.
3. You should wear clothes ............are suitable your climate.
4. The girl ..............we met in the library, came our home with her father last evening. 
5. We visited the house ...........Gayani's grandfather lived 20 years ago. 
[ who - whose - where - which - whom
-1. whose 2. who 3. which 4.whom 5. where 

Activity 23:
Complete the following announcement. 
Attention please! This 1)____ is for all the grade 11 2)____. After 3)_____ English classes will not be 4)_____ today due to an unavoidable 5)______. You are requested to leave school at 1.30 p.m. as usual. The next date of the classes will be 6)____ later. Thank you.
 [ held -  informed - announcement - school - students - reason ]
-1.announcement 2. students 3. school 4. held 5. reason 6. informed 

Activity 24
As the principal of your school draft an announcement to be made for all the prefects for a special meeting. Include date , time and venue. Use around 35 words. 
Attention please! This announcement is for all the prefects. You are kindly requested to be present for a special meeting in the college main hall just after the interval today. Thank you. 

Activity 25:
Match A with B and complete the proverbs. Write the correct number within brackets. 
    A                            B
1. All that glitters      a. keeps the doctor away. [     ]
2. Think before          b. better than cure.           [     ]
3. Prevention is          c. is not gold.                   [     ]
4. An apple a day       d. make the most sound.  [     ] 
5. Empty vessels        e. leap you.                       [     ]
1.All that glitters is not gold./ 2.Think before you leap. 3.Prevention is better than cure./ 4.An apple a day keeps the doctor away./5.Empty vessels make the most sound.
Activity 26:
Look at the picture and complete the paragraph with suitable words. Use only one word for each blank.
1.There 2. They 3. chopping/cutting 4. table 6. haired 7.standing 8.trying 10.utensils

Activity 27:
Look at the picture and write 5 sentences.
Activity 28:

                                     To be continued .....

Call Sajendra on 0777597875