The activities which I hope to publish here are related to the competency levels required to be accomplished within a period of year. I hope that these activities will be of some help to teachers. I also have planned to publish a set of worksheets compiled into a book for all the grades. Your encouragement with regard to my attempt is highly appreciated.
Sajendra Kumara
Grade 9:
Identifies the sounds of English Language.
Competency Level 1.1
Pronounces English words properly.
Activity 01: Separate the words. ch pronounced as A] /k/ or B ] /ʧ/ as in chair.
Instructions: Introduce these two sounds. Practice with more examples.
character / chameleon / teacher / technical / chemical / mechanic / watcher / child / cholesterol / chronology / rich / witch / chronic / chilling / technology / Christmas / leech / chastity
Activity 02:
Read aloud.
sound: / f/
a) farmer / father / after / toffee
b) laugh / tough / rough /
c) graph / paragraph / philosophy / photo /
Find more examples and read aloud
Extra Activity
: Find similar words which carry the sound /f/ at home and read aloud in the class. Make one list and display in the classroom.
Activity 03:
Find the word that does not match with the sound. Read aloud.
1. Cream / cinema / cricket / cruel
2. judge / fridge / struggle / stage
3. drought / ground / found / astound
4. world / work / hot / won
5. steel / wheel / meal / real
👉NOTE : More activities have been included in the TG prepared by the blogger.
Competency 3
Underline the correct answer.
1.The announcement is for
a) all the students b)all the class teachers c) all the grade 9 students
2. The school is going to hold
a) a Shramadana Campaign b) an exhibition c) a volleyball camp
3. The date of the event is
a) 12th July b) 12th June c) 8th June
4.The purpose of the event is
a) preventing dengue b) preventing pollution c) cleaning the garden
5. The tools mentioned in the announcement are
(tick the correct answers)
a) a knife d)a crowbar
b) a rake e) a mammoty
c) a shovel
Activity 2: (5 more listening activities included)
Competency 2
Competency Level: 2.6 uses commas with understanding
Activity 1: Turn the following sentences into one sentence. Use commas where necessary.
1. Kamal attended Gayani's birthday party. His sister also attended the birthday party. Jayani also attended it.
2. I bought a new pen. I also bought an eraser. I bought a pencil sharpener,too.
3. Children read adventure stories. Children also read fairy stories. Children read novels,too.
4. My garden has flowers. My garden also has fruits trees. My garden has some vegetable beds,too.
5. I have a pet cat. I also have a pet dog. I have a pet parrot,too.
Activity 2 ( More activities are included in the TG)
Competency 5
Competency Level: 5.1 uses visual clues to derive the meaning of texts.
Activity 1:
(six more activities included in the guide)
Competency 04
Competency Level: 4.5 Forms the plurals of nouns.
to be continued
Sajendra Kumara
Identifies the sounds of English Language.
Competency Level 1.1
Pronounces English words properly.
Activity 01: Separate the words. ch pronounced as A] /k/ or B ] /ʧ/ as in chair.
Instructions: Introduce these two sounds. Practice with more examples.
character / chameleon / teacher / technical / chemical / mechanic / watcher / child / cholesterol / chronology / rich / witch / chronic / chilling / technology / Christmas / leech / chastity
Activity 02:
Read aloud.
sound: / f/
a) farmer / father / after / toffee
b) laugh / tough / rough /
c) graph / paragraph / philosophy / photo /
Find more examples and read aloud
Extra Activity
: Find similar words which carry the sound /f/ at home and read aloud in the class. Make one list and display in the classroom.
Activity 03:
Find the word that does not match with the sound. Read aloud.
1. Cream / cinema / cricket / cruel
2. judge / fridge / struggle / stage
3. drought / ground / found / astound
4. world / work / hot / won
5. steel / wheel / meal / real
👉NOTE : More activities have been included in the TG prepared by the blogger.
Competency 3
Competency Level: 3.3 Listen to simple text for specific information.
Activity 01: Listen to the following announcement.
Attention please! This special announcement is for all
the grade 9 students. A Shramadana campaign will be held in our school premises
on the 12th June from 8 a.m.
to 12 p.m. The purpose of the campaign is to clean the school premises to
prevent dengue. All the grade 9 students are requested to participate in it.
You are kindly requested to bring the necessary tools like a knife , a mammoty
, a crowbar etc. Your class teachers will provide you further information.
The task sheetUnderline the correct answer.
1.The announcement is for
a) all the students b)all the class teachers c) all the grade 9 students
2. The school is going to hold
a) a Shramadana Campaign b) an exhibition c) a volleyball camp
3. The date of the event is
a) 12th July b) 12th June c) 8th June
4.The purpose of the event is
a) preventing dengue b) preventing pollution c) cleaning the garden
5. The tools mentioned in the announcement are
(tick the correct answers)
a) a knife d)a crowbar
b) a rake e) a mammoty
c) a shovel
Activity 2: (5 more listening activities included)
Competency 2
Competency Level: 2.6 uses commas with understanding
Activity 1: Turn the following sentences into one sentence. Use commas where necessary.
1. Kamal attended Gayani's birthday party. His sister also attended the birthday party. Jayani also attended it.
2. I bought a new pen. I also bought an eraser. I bought a pencil sharpener,too.
3. Children read adventure stories. Children also read fairy stories. Children read novels,too.
4. My garden has flowers. My garden also has fruits trees. My garden has some vegetable beds,too.
5. I have a pet cat. I also have a pet dog. I have a pet parrot,too.
Activity 2 ( More activities are included in the TG)
Competency 5
Competency Level: 5.1 uses visual clues to derive the meaning of texts.
Activity 1:
(six more activities included in the guide)
Competency 04
Competency Level: 4.5 Forms the plurals of nouns.
to be continued
Sajendra Kumara