Friday, May 15, 2020


                         Work with the verb 'be'

1) Underline the correct form of the verb 'be'

  1. Tom and I .......... [ is / am / are ] in Grade 7.
  2. My father .......... [ are / is / am  ] a businessman.
  3. Children .......... [ are / is / were ] in the garden an hour ago.
  4. One of my friends......[ are / is / am ] the captain of the cricket team.
  5. I ..... [ is / was / am ] born in Kandy. 
  6. Your uncle..........[ is / are / am ] a friend of my father. 
  7. Sugath and Palitha........[ was / are / were] absent last Monday.
  8.  Kamal's brother........ [ was / is / are] in hospital several days ago.
  9. Some women....... [ is / was / are ] near the gate. 
  10. His parents........[ is / are / were] in USA at that time.           
2) Insert [ am/is/are/was/were] where necessary.
  1. Gayani's little sister in hospital last month. 
  2. One of closest friend the manager of the Rural Bank now.
  3. Most of the Japanese vehicles very expensive.
  4. Accidents very common on this road.
  5. Mr. Sajendra a wealthy man at that time.
  6. Most of the wild animals very innocent.
  7. These books quite suitable for children.
  8. King Agbo a great king who lived in Sri Lanka.
  9. Our teacher's new bag very beautiful.
  10. Fairy tales very interesting to read. 
3) Complete the sentences with the correct half given below.
  1. The Nile ................
  2. My brother .................
  3. The lion ......................
  4. Elephants ..................
  5. Shakespeare ............
  6. Chess ................
  7. The ostrich ............
  8. Colombo .................
  9. A hovercraft .................
  10. English and Tamil.........
*is a flightless bird  *are languages  *is a game  * are herbivores * is a big city  * is good at Sinhalese * is the longest river in the world  * is a modern vehicle  * was great playwright  * is the king of the jungle. 

4.) Complete the following questions with the words given within brackets
1. ...........those your shoes? 
2. ........... Kamani in the class? 
3. ........... you at home last evening? 
4. ........... I not your uncle? 
5. Where ...........he born ? 
     [ am  -  was -  are -  is  -  were

5.) Rearrange the words to make  meaningful sentences. 
1. is / a / sleeping / there / chair / the / on  / cat.
2. new / an  / is / Kamal's / expensive / bag / one.
3. is / pen / of / what /  made / this? 
4. found / parrot / the / a bird / countries / most /  is / tropical / in/ 
5.   afraid / sister / insects /  is / my / small / of / 
1. There is a cat sleeping on the chair. 2. Kamal's new bag is an expensive one. 3. What is this pen made of? 4. The parrot is a bird found in most tropical coutries. 5. my sister is afraid of small insects.     
Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verb be: am / is / are etc. 

Gayani 1)........... my best friend. Gayani's parents 2).......... teachers. Gayani 3)..........the first in the class last term. She 4).........good at music. When I 5), I like to listen to her songs. 2.are 3.was
Make them true sentences. Use [ am / is / are / am not / is not / are not ]
1. I ....... John. I ........a girl.
2. The cow ........a bird.
3. Lions ........carnivores. 
4. Covid 19 .........a dangerous virus. 
5. The sun .........a star.
6. The moon .........a star. 
7. Crows ............ green.
8. A knife ..........a sharp tool.
9. The mouse ..........a huge creature.
10. Sri Lanka island. 
[ 1. am / am not not 3. are 6. is not 7. are not 8. is 9. is not 10. is ]

Fill in the blanks with  am(not) / is(not) / are (not) / was(not) / were (not)
1. Your teacher ............ a pretty lady.
2. Mr. Sajendra the class two hours ago. 
3. Sanath the library in the last period. He was at the canteen. 
4. The elephant ...........a herbivore. 
5. I ...........born in Sri Lanka. So, I am a Sri Lankan.
6. Elle ..........a popular game among village children in Sri Lanka.
7. Little babies ..........very sweet. 
8. Prince Siddhartha ........... born in India. 
9. Our friends ...........happy today. They are singing and dancing. 
10. My teeth ............white because I brush them twice a day.
11. I Japan two years ago. I worked in a big factory then.
12. Your hands ............dirty. You needn't wash them.
13. It ...........very cold last night. So, sat beside the fire. 
14. The sky ........dark. It is likely to rain.
15. Snow ........ white.
1. is 2. was 3. wasn't 4. is 5. was 6. is 7. are 8.was 9. are 10. are 11. was 12. aren't 13.was 15. is

9.) The following sentences are wrong. Write them correctly.
1.My friends is very kind to animals.
2. I am in Grade 9 two years ago.
3. There is two books on the table.
4. People is very happy today.
5. Our village are very beautiful.
6. Mr. Sajendra is in Colombo at that time. 
1. are 2. was 3. are 4. are 6.was 

10) Fill in the blanks with am / is / are.

I 1)......... Sandun. I 2)..........born in 2005. My hometown 3) .......... Attanagalla. I 4).........Colombo three years ago. Then I 5).........a small child. My father 6) engineer. He 7) Japan three years ago. My mother 8) .............a receptionist. Now, she 9) ..........retired. I have a little sister, too. We 10) the same school. 2.was 4. was 5. was 7.was 8.was 9. is 10.are


To be continued ....................
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